Thursday, April 21, 2005


in sugar in, of of in when i was
a boy, sugar, in sugar
in candy in life my sugar
happier then happier when
sugar was, sugar was: everything,
things in then simple when. was
happier but focus no focused
not on big things. things big
now and smaller, smaller but
sugar good, sugar good in coffee
in soda in cookie, sugar in. i
was sugar then when i was
a kid. kids sugar in, sugar
kids in. now more bitter.

Monday, April 04, 2005


again. Remember, I, that after-
noon you hands looked
at. Hands looked at hands.
Eyes hands look. Mine
rough, lines. Rough lines
mine. Smooth yours, touched
nice so nice. Eyes hands at
looked. Your eyes. Mine
rough. Hands smooth
rough eyes, whys,
answers don’t.

Hands looked at eyes
touched at hands.
Yours mine never

belief system

church sunday going, easter
eastern western every
one of us. going to confess,
yes, going gone going yes,

one of us. the state hate
god faith in, sunday eastern
easter yes. western no. god
gold sold for no, oh so
precious pearls and pearlous
precious. more than gold, more
than told; old: god.

for the camera

say want look me better the
camera for. hair part leftwardly.
eight sleeps hours nightingly. face
arrange north south to, directerly
lotion apply. applyment lotion
directerest of. of of of of. direct.
things all and big small detail to
attention. frowner not say and
parmesan. provolone and no
smile frown not. please down
upside frown. pleaserly cherry. top
hair comb part sleep eighterly lotion
directer small big smile not frown

say cheese and smile wide.