Wednesday, January 03, 2007

in darkness, with light

here we are, hearts wreathed in
twilight halos, our minds scattered
and fractured, having no north star
to guide them. here we are, sheep without
a shepherd, lost in the valley, in darkness,
with light. whose love will lead us each
is uncertain, and whose hand holds us is
almost entirely incomprehensible, yet
still we strive forwards, or sideways,
or backwards. still we flounder, still
we fall, still we heal and harken on.
we are covered in darkness, with only
the tiny shining lights of our souls
sparking out against the curtains of
the nighttime nether. here we are
in heaven, or in hell, or wherever we
imagine ourselves, from one thought
to the next. there is darkness, and in
that darkness life, and perhaps
even love, and sadly a strong
and senseless sorrow, along with
all the tools a hand would ever need
in order to build something better,
something like hope, or perhaps
even happiness.

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