Saturday, April 21, 2007


you lay alone at night and tell yourself you’ve made the right choices,
you don’t lie and you don’t speak truth,
these gaps in reason into which are crammed a busload of the greatest mysteries,
your history doesn’t point in one direction but many,
and that’s when you realize that you can’t escape it anymore,
there is nothing above and nothing below and there is only you and the people to your
right and left, left and right, in front and behind, and around and around your
head is spinning like a 45rpm record, because things like this just don’t
happen in the world that you’ve set up for yourself and you’re still thinking about your
choices and why didn’t you and why you did and that was
bad but then again, then again then, at the time, you’re still going now and
that’s enough isn’t it, you lay alone at night and at least you’re still around, there are
those who aren’t, those who fell along the way into, into what, into something,
into nothingness, non-existence, and existence always beats nothingness
doesn’t it, so you lay alone at night, head spinning like a 45rpm record,
god dying in your brain, the devil frying nothing but hamburgers down there
at the fast food chain because he failed his classes in high school, where he beat you
up every day of the week and on the weekends you never have enough
time to make yourself who you really want to be, you’re still growing now and
that’s enough isn’t it, you don’t believe anymore as you lay alone at night
and tell yourself a million things, but maybe you will again tomorrow.

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